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Dr. Stephanie Spain (She/Her)

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."

- Maya Angelou


My journey into caring for children and families started from a young age. As my two younger brothers were being treated before their passing, I was inspired by so many of the amazing actions of our healthcare team that cared for our family.  This journey took me in many directions, including working in both an in-patient hospital and outpatient pediatric setting, caring for various populations, including children in foster care, pediatric refugees, teens, adopted children, and high-risk, vulnerable children with a history of trauma.  During my fifteen-plus years of building knowledge in pediatrics, I received specialized mental and behavioral health training to care for children and families with trauma.  I am also credentialed as a Primary Care Mental Health Specialist (PMHS) and have advanced training in ADHD as a Certified Clinical Service Provider (ADHD-CCSP).  I am endorsed as an Infant Mental Health Specialist (IMH-E) and Infant Mental Health Policy Mentor (IMHM-P). 


I serve on various community boards of director positions, grants, and holistic partners that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts while also advocating for children and families. My passion for caring for children and families has shaped my many years of practice and thus created Serenity Cove Pediatrics NP-LLC. 


Serenity Cove Pediatrics (SCP) was created to provide inclusive trauma-informed care for families.  We understand the importance of putting the child or teenager at the center by providing holistic care for the entire family.  To meet that need, we aim to respectfully provide safe, quality care with specialized case management, community collaboration, coordination, and advocacy to promote resilience for families.  We recognize the critical importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion and integrate that lens into practice and community advocacy.  We are currently seeing all patients virtually to allow for family flexibility.  






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